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The first service of its kind in Australia, Resolute has constructed and is executing a comprehensive vision for the future, where the integration of high-quality clinical services is easily available and proudly led by a former military psychiatrist.

Most importantly, this system of care places those who serve and their family at the centre of all decision-making. This ensures autonomy and self-agency are maintained.

Resolute understands we Veterans, ADF personnel and First Responders exist in families and families exist within communities. This recognition means layers of support can be developed as an effective channel for restoring meaning and wellbeing.

We are aligned with the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) wellbeing model, based on the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare approach.

The Resolute Experience

We make today a statement that you are valued and honoured.

As a community, we have inherited the freedoms forged by our forebears.

And as a community, we need to continually strive to support those who have supported us for so long.

Ready to Start Your Journey With Resolute?

Resolute acknowledges the objectives of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Resolute acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the custodians of Australia and recognises the connections of the Whadjuk and Wadandi people to the land in which we live and work.

Resolute acknowledges the individual and collective expertise of those with lived experience of mental health, alcohol and other drug issues. We recognise their vital contribution and value the courage of those who share this unique perspective, for the purpose of learning together and advancing better outcomes for all.


Integral to the support you receive at Resolute, we invite you to join Oqea. Oqea is a collaboration platform to bridge the gap between appointments, where self-help tools and professional guidance come together to create
a place of connected wellbeing.

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