A Veteran Owned and Operated psychiatric service delivering Claims with Care

The first of its kind in Australia, Resolute has constructed and is executing a comprehensive vision for the future, where clinical services are seamlessly integrated with the timely completion of high quality, decision ready DVA treating doctor reports for our Defence personnel and Veterans.

With a foundation in lived experience and clinical expertise, Resolute delivers compassionate, confidential, and respectful solutions for our Defence personnel and Veterans.With no out-of-pocket costs Resolute is available anywhere in Australia.

who we are

Resolute stands as a Veteran-owned and operated clinical service, dedicated to the mental health and well-being of those who serve

With a national reach, our team consists of experts in DVA mental health claims who understand the intricacies of the claims process. We recognise that for many of our Defence personnel and Veterans, this may be their first experience with a mental health professional.

Claims with Care  prioritises compassion and collaboration, providing a faster pathway to claims resolution, while building your care team, ensuring you feel supported throughout the journey.


We’re here to make sure those who serve receive the respect and resources they deserve

Our assistance goes beyond paperwork. Resolute champions the Veteran experience, advocating for wellbeing programs, healthcare, financial support, and the full range of services that empower our Veterans to live fully. Our services are informed by lived experience and co-design. Our team is here to make your claims journey as smooth, transparent, and supportive as possible.

Every appointment, assessment, and treatment decision is guided by our pillars of care:



We adhere to the highest ethical standards, fostering trust through honest and transparent care.



We acknowledge and honour every Veteran’s unique journey, creating a compassionate and dignified environment.



By partnering with healthcare providers and advocates, we deliver cohesive and coordinated support for Veterans.



Our responsive and evidence-based approach addresses the evolving needs of mental health care.


Dr Richard Magtengaard


Dr Richard Magtengaard is a Consultant Psychiatrist with 25 years of clinical and administrative experience, originating from working within the Public Mental Health arenas, later moving onto establish a broad set of interests within the Private Practice and Not For Profit setting.

More about Richard

Start your wellbeing journey with Resolute, with no out-of-pocket costs available anywhere in Australia.

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Please note that Resolute is not an emergency service. If you, a person you care for or a client requires urgent assistance, please contact 000, present to your local emergency department or contact the local area psychiatric triage number.