Resolute brings consolidated expertise from
working with thousands of Defence personnel and Veterans, alongside their advocates, giving us a thorough understanding of the DVA claims process.

This knowledge enables us to provide timely, decision-ready Treating Doctor Reports, while we build the care team that supports you throughout your claims journey.
Navigating the DVA process can be taxing, so we are here to ease the way.

The Resolute SOLUTION

The assessment process - Claims with Care™

Claims with Care™ brings together People, Process and Technology for prompt and easy access to high-quality Treating Doctor Reports, care team building, and support for you and your family throughout the compensation process.


Claims with Care offers fast and effective outcomes for those navigating mental health compensation.

With a national reach and consolidated expertise in Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) mental health claims, Resolute offers comprehensive mental health assessments, robust care team building and claims support for our Defence personnel and Veterans.


People, Process and Technology

Within 4 weeks of a GP referral, our Defence personnel and Veterans meet with a Resolute care team member who provides initial diagnostic insights, treatment recommendations as we build your care team together.


Treating Doctor Report

Following claim lodgement, we undertake a dedicated session for the timely completion of your high quality, decision ready DVA Treating Doctor Report.


Building a Strong Support Team

Resolute guides you to establish a care team tailored to your unique needs and personal goals.


Oqea has created your place for connected wellbeing

Oqea was created by a group of senior mental health professionals who saw the need for change. When you’re faced with life challenges and it’s far from clear what to do, Oqea can help you find your best path forward, with a single source of helpful wellbeing resources, personal and professional expertise. Oqea is a digital platform, putting you in the driver’s seat of your wellbeing and mental health journey.

More About OQEA

Start your wellbeing journey with Resolute, with no out-of-pocket costs available anywhere in Australia.

Get Started
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Please note that Resolute is not an emergency service. If you, a person you care for or a client requires urgent assistance, please contact 000, present to your local emergency department or contact the local area psychiatric triage number.